Terms of Service

Verantwortlich: Florian Baumann
Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 19
14469 Potsdam
+49 (0) 1515 6 070782
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE299729021

All information on my website has been carefully checked. I make every effort to ensure that the material contained in my web site is current, complete and correct. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors can not be completely excluded. A guarantee for the completeness, correctness and last topicality cannot be taken over therefore.
The publisher may change this website at any time without notice and / or discontinue its operation. He is not obliged to update the contents of this website. Access to and use of this website is at the user's own risk.
A.o.T. is not responsible for and disclaims any liability for any damages, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and special damages, alleged to have be caused by or in connection with the access and / or use of this site.
The publisher assumes no responsibility for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be accessed via external links from this information offering. The publisher expressly distances itself from all content that may be relevant under criminal or liability law or that may offend common decency.
When requesting content from this Internet offer, access data is stored. This is data about the page from which the file was requested, the name of the requested file, the date, time and duration of the request, the amount of data transferred and the access status (e.g. file transferred, file not found). The collected data is retrieved exclusively for technically necessary purposes and is not stored beyond the actual visit to the website. If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily.